Thursday, April 9, 2009

Recession versus Remission


It is impossible to avoid the doom & gloom attitude that prevails in the world today. Corporate layoffs, investment loss, GETTING A JOB IS TOUGH; our homes have lost value-ouch! But what about philanthropy? Sure I understand charitable donations come from discretionary income but so what? Do we get down and prepare for the worst? We prepare but we don't get down. While donations come from discretionary income our contributions to the important causes we support are vital. Vacations and going to a movie are optional but the money needed for research into my mom's disease is NOT OPTIONAL!

I work with The NephCure Foundation which supports research for two rare kidney conditions. Everyday I hear another sad story about a child's symptoms or side effects. There are no known treatments or a cure. And do you think the parents are affected by the economy? -sure but their kids are not in REMISSION because the country is experiencing a RECESSION!!!

Those of us who work in philanthropy have to double our efforts. I read the articles about charities canceling events which raises my eyebrows. We should think about alternatives before canceling because this recession is not ending in time for the next event. Think twice about taking the year off. We need to keep the docs in the labs; the libraries open and provide health services to those who are unemployed. It is our responsibility.

Instead of lowering our expectations, we should ask more people to donate. Yes, we might get less from our friends and family. That just means that we have to ask more people to donate; people that we might not know. Philanthropy also stimulates the economy. It's not just about the banks and the auto industry. Less funding will cause layoffs in the research field and we've waited long enough for cures for cancer, heart and kidney disease. Why delay now? Let's do everything we can to keep these scientists working.

I read somewhere that a person's positive attitude is their passport to a better tomorrow. We owe a "better tomorrow" to kids with kidney disease and all the important causes. So remember; recession not remission. And when remission comes I plan to throw one HUGE party! Want an invite?

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